
How to handle poor VoIP call quality

VoIP telephone systems are going mainstream, largely because of the lower costs when compared to traditional landlines. But a budget-friendly phone system wouldn’t be worth the savings if it didn’t also promise easy set-up, advanced features, and reliability. So is making calls with a “Voice over IP” system truly dependable? Phones are an absolutely essential […]

So what’s new in SEO and social media?

When it comes to technology news, breakthroughs, innovations, and what-to-do’s, we’ve always got our eyes peeled for the latest and greatest. Paying close attention to what’s trending is critical not only to our success, but to that of our clients as well, which is why we’re taking a look at 5 popular SEO and Social […]

Can you hear the VoIP man calling?

Back in the day, a phone was just a phone. Now, it’s a veritable computer in the palm of your hand, part tool and part entertainment, with the ability to perform a multitude of interesting and advanced functions. It does still make calls, of course, but even that aspect is a bit different than how […]

Tools for online reputation marketing

Like the Loch Ness Monster, reputation marketing has long been considered a figure that is shrouded in mystery. Shai Aharony from Redboot Online sums it up as “tools that allow you to analyze, track, monitor and engage online activity, giving you the power to directly respond to customer complaints and turn potentially damaging feedback into […]

5 ways to get a better ROI from your VoIP phones

If you’re making or receiving VoIP calls from clients you may be sitting on top of a trove of valuable data, and not even know it. Whether you’re still getting accustomed to your new telephony system and its features or you’ve been using it for much longer and are simply unaware of its existence, it’s […]

How to promote your SMB on Facebook for free

The words “free publicity” bring joy to the ears of many SMB owners. You don’t have a big marketing budget, so you need to find ways to cut costs as much as possible. Luckily Facebook has you covered. There are several ways you can promote your business on the world’s biggest social network that won’t […]

5 tricks for thwarting VoIP threats

The VoIP market continues to grow and doesn’t show any signs of stopping. As its use becomes more widespread, so too do the security threats against it. Although these type of attacks haven’t received as much media attention as ransomware and phishing, they’re no less dangerous or damaging to your SMB. Let’s examine 5 five […]

7 Twitter tactics to get more retweets

Managing your company’s Twitter account can be tricky. You have a lot of brilliant things to say in under 140 characters but the problem is getting more eyes on your tweets. What’s worse is that there are other companies competing with you to grab that attention. So what can you do to get more people […]

Take work home with VoIP

Every business owner understands that happy employees equal happy clients, and happy clients are always good for business. However, in such a fast paced and high pressure world, this can be tough to achieve. This is true if you don’t have any VoIP systems in place. A good VoIP network allows you to create work […]

Tips to get to 500+ LinkedIn connections

Most people are still impressed when they see a LinkedIn profile with 500+ connections. It gives that person authority in their industry and shows they’re a valuable member of the business world. In other words, 500+ connections can help sell you and your business. So how can you reach this coveted number? Here are some […]