Can you hear the VoIP man calling?

Back in the day, a phone was just a phone. Now, it’s a veritable computer in the palm of your hand, part tool and part entertainment, with the ability to perform a multitude of interesting and advanced functions. It does still make calls, of course, but even that aspect is a bit different than how […]

5 ways to get a better ROI from your VoIP phones

If you’re making or receiving VoIP calls from clients you may be sitting on top of a trove of valuable data, and not even know it. Whether you’re still getting accustomed to your new telephony system and its features or you’ve been using it for much longer and are simply unaware of its existence, it’s […]

5 tricks for thwarting VoIP threats

The VoIP market continues to grow and doesn’t show any signs of stopping. As its use becomes more widespread, so too do the security threats against it. Although these type of attacks haven’t received as much media attention as ransomware and phishing, they’re no less dangerous or damaging to your SMB. Let’s examine 5 five […]

Take work home with VoIP

Every business owner understands that happy employees equal happy clients, and happy clients are always good for business. However, in such a fast paced and high pressure world, this can be tough to achieve. This is true if you don’t have any VoIP systems in place. A good VoIP network allows you to create work […]

Tips to optimize your VoIP call performance

Many business owners who opt for a traditional phone line over VoIP make some pretty big assumptions. Some assume they’ll continuously drop calls while speaking on the phone with their biggest client. Others assume employees will resort to calling prospects on their personal cell phones because they’re baffled by the user interface of your VoIP […]

Even more VoIP features you should use

When a potential VoIP provider throws a list of features they can offer at you, it can all be quite confusing and you might even forget about a lot of them. Even after you’ve chosen your provider, you might already be too busy to bother with certain features of your new VoIP service. How are […]

What to consider when choosing a VoIP system

Over recent years, contacting each other from anywhere has become a lot cheaper. That’s why it’s no surprise that many businesses are taking advantage of these versatile and affordable methods of communication. One popular alternative to regular phone calls, Voice over IP (VoIP) services, has become a 21st century necessity for many companies. But before […]

Test the VoIP waters with these 4 apps

Installing a VoIP system in your business may be an afterthought. The name itself sounds confusing enough, so you’d rather not bother with it – especially when you already have a traditional phone line. So what if there was an easy way to give VoIP a try that could save you some money in the […]