Navigatum have been looking after us since 2010. When choosing them, we compared the value provided with the cost for their services. The decision to proceed was based on our need to be assured that this vital area of our businesses functionality would be reliably and properly supported.
For us, the cost of computer dysfunction would incur significant expense, disruption, frustration, along with the potential for staff excuses for lack of performance.
Whilst I don’t pretend to know anything about computers or the world they inhabit, common sense and general knowledge of what does and may possibly happen strongly suggests that vigilance, protection and ability to act quickly and decisively is critical to ongoing business success.
Anyone believing that hackers and cyber criminals are not attacking them, with great respect, is living in a fool’s paradise. If you don’t think you need to be prepared then you need to think through the real cost of the loss of data, computer function and control or your systems.
There are no cast iron guarantees that nothing will ever impact your systems however Navigatum have made us a skinny target and a more difficult one for hackers and cyber criminals. This has resulted in considerable peace of mind.
Navigatum has demonstrated the capacity, skill, and professionalism to address challenges as they appear.
Given today’s changing environment, our systems have been protected and functioned effectively for a very long period allowing us to get on with our business unimpeded by unnecessary complications caused by dysfunctional tools.
John Law
Cardboard Containers (Aust) Pty. Ltd.